What to Do When Monkey App Not Working

The popular video chat app Monkey has recently been plagued with issues that cause the app to crash or function improperly. Many users have reported problems with sending and receiving messages or making video calls within the app.

Since the latest update, thousands of Monkey users have reported extended load times, issues with connecting to friends/matches, crashes while making video calls, and problems sending photo or video messages. Many have voiced frustration over missing important messages or being unable to connect with friends they regularly chat with on the app.

The number of negative app store reviews and social media posts from disgruntled Monkey users indicates these latest technical difficulties are significantly impacting the user experience and functionality of an app that promotes itself as an easy, reliable video chat platform.

In this blog post, we’ll break down the key problems users have been experiencing with Monkey since the recent botched update. We’ll provide an overview of the technical issues, Monkey’s response so far, and what users can expect as the developers scramble to release another patch to fix a seemingly expanding list of bugs.

Monkey App Not Working: Reasons and Solutions

The Monkey App has gained popularity as a social networking platform that allows users to connect and have video calls with people from around the world. However, like any other app, the Monkey App may encounter issues and not work as expected. This article aims to address the common problems faced by users where the Monkey App is not working and provide potential solutions to resolve these issues effectively.

1. App Crashes Frequently

Frequent app crashes can be frustrating for users and hinder their experience on the Monkey App. If you find that the app crashes frequently, try the following solutions:

  • Update the App: Check if there are any pending updates for the Monkey App in your device’s app store. Installing the latest version often resolves performance issues and bug fixes.
  • Clear App Cache: Clearing the cache of the Monkey App can help eliminate any temporary files or data that might be causing conflicts. Go to your device’s settings, find the Monkey App, and clear its cache.
  • Reinstall the App: If the above steps don’t work, consider uninstalling and reinstalling the Monkey App. This will ensure that you have a fresh installation which can resolve any underlying issues.

2. Connection Issues

Another common problem faced by Monkey App users is connection issues. If you are facing connection problems on the Monkey App, try the following:

  • Check Your Internet Connection: Ensure that your device has a stable internet connection. Switch between Wi-Fi and mobile data to see if the problem lies with your network.
  • Restart Your Device: Sometimes, a simple restart can fix temporary connection problems. Reboot your device and try using the Monkey App again.
  • Disable VPN or Proxy: If you are using a VPN or a proxy server, try disabling them temporarily. VPNs and proxies can sometimes interfere with the Monkey App’s connection.

3. Unable to Find or Connect with Friends

Sometimes, users may face difficulties in finding or connecting with their friends on the Monkey App. Here are some steps to troubleshoot this issue:

  • Ensure Correct Username or ID: Make sure you are entering the correct username or ID of your friend. Double-check for any typos or spelling errors.
  • Verify Friend’s Availability: Confirm with your friend if they are currently online and available on the Monkey App. They might be facing their own connectivity issues.
  • Re-add Friend as a Connection: If the previous steps didn’t work, try removing and re-adding your friend as a connection on the Monkey App. This can refresh the connection and resolve any glitches.

4. Poor Video or Audio Quality

If you experience poor video or audio quality during your Monkey App calls, follow these steps to improve the overall experience:

  • Check Internet Speed: Slow internet speeds can affect the quality of video calls. Run a speed test to ensure that your connection is sufficient for high-quality video and audio.
  • Close Background Apps: Other apps running in the background can consume bandwidth and cause performance issues. Close unnecessary apps to free up resources for the Monkey App.
  • Upgrade Your Device: Older devices may struggle to handle high-quality video calls. Consider upgrading to a device with better specifications to ensure smoother communication on the Monkey App.

5. Server Issues

At times, the Monkey App may face server-related issues that can disrupt its normal functionality. Here’s what you can do when encountering server problems:

  • Check App Status: Visit the official Monkey App website or check reliable online sources to see if the app is currently experiencing any server issues or maintenance.
  • Wait and Retry: If the issue is indeed related to the server, it is best to wait patiently. The developers will likely resolve the problem soon. Retry using the app after some time.
  • Contact Monkey App Support: If the problem persists for an extended period, consider reaching out to Monkey App’s support team. They can provide specific information or guidance regarding the server issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why does the Monkey App not connect with my camera?

This issue might arise due to insufficient camera permissions. Make sure the Monkey App has the necessary permissions to access your device’s camera in the app settings.

2. Can I use the Monkey App in multiple devices simultaneously?

No, the Monkey App currently does not support simultaneous usage across multiple devices. You can only use the app on one device at a time.

3. Why do I experience lag during video calls on the Monkey App?

Lag during video calls can stem from a variety of factors, such as a poor internet connection, device performance limitations, or server congestion. Check your internet speed and ensure you have adequate resources for smooth video calls.

4. Can I report a user on the Monkey App for inappropriate behavior?

Yes, you can report a user on the Monkey App for inappropriate behavior. Utilize the reporting feature within the app to inform the developers about any violation of community guidelines or misconduct.

5. Is the Monkey App available in all countries?

The Monkey App is available in many countries worldwide. However, specific country restrictions or regulations may prevent its usage in certain regions.


Encountering issues with the Monkey App is not uncommon. However, by following the suggested troubleshooting methods mentioned above, users can address various problems related to app crashes, connection issues, friend connectivity, audio and video quality, as well as server-related difficulties. Understanding these potential solutions can help users navigate and fully enjoy the Monkey App’s unique features and benefits.

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